Visitor Information

Visitor Information

We look forward to seeing you! After reading through these helpful tips, please give us a call at (920) 261-3511 if you have any other questions.

Service Times

Trinity members gather to worship the Savior across three weekly services:

  • Wednesday at 6:30 pm (except during Advent and Lent when we have special services at 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm)
  • Sunday at 8:00 am (service times may vary for Christmas and Easter)
  • Sunday at 10:30 am (9:30 am Memorial Day thru Labor Day)
  • We also have services to mark special occasions such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.


Reserved visitor parking and handicapped parking is available in our parking lot. Enter from Fifth St. (one-way going south).

Otherwise feel free to park on S. Fifth St., E. Milwaukee St., S. Fourth St., or Wisconsin St.

Here is a map to help you find us.

Church Entrances

Our church has three main entrances

  1. East side (S. Fifth St. and parking lot). This is the only entrance without steps. This entrance is open during office hours.
  2. Southwest corner (S. Fourth St., E. Milwaukee St., and parking lot).
  3. West side (S. Fourth St.).

Fireside Room

You may hear or see the term “Fireside Room” during your time at Trinity. This is our main hub of foot traffic, food, and fellowship before and after worship services. Its name is simple: there is a fireplace in it. Hence, Fireside Room. If you enter the building from the Southwest corner, you walk directly into the Fireside Room.


Restrooms are fairly clearly marked. They are in the main hallway (from the Fireside Room, take a right) across from the coat racks. There is also a single-person restroom next to the elevator. Changing stations are currently available in the men’s and women’s restrooms, but not in the single-person restroom.

Worship Service

We hope our signage can lead you to the worship space without issue. Before you sit down in the sanctuary, be sure you have a service folder; it includes the order of service, hymn numbers, Bible readings, and helpful announcements. Ushers are posted near the West entrance (technically, the back of the sanctuary) and will supply a service folder there. If you come in through the East “handicap entrance” and enter the sanctuary through the wooden doors immediately to your right, service folders are stacked on a ledge in the hallway for you to take.

If you aren’t sure where to go or have a question, feel free to ask an usher or anyone else who is on their way in with you.

Communion is offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. We practice close communion, so members of other Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) churches are welcome to participate. If you are not a WELS or ELS member, we ask that you please speak to a pastor before joining us in communion.

Parents Room

Our parents room is located off of the Fireside Room, which is the gathering space to the south of the sanctuary. If your children need some time to gather themselves, make use of the books and toys in that room to calm them. A changing table is also located in the Parents Room. You may continue to participate in the worship service through our video display. There is also a TV in the Fireside Room, if your little one just needs to stretch their legs.

Quiet Bags

Quiet bags are provided for children. Look for the colorful bags near the main worship entrance. Borrow one for the service and return it to the rack when you are done.

Worship Assistance

Large print bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available. Please just ask an usher.